Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Uzbek Minister: "Promote tolerance"

Uzbek Foreign Minister Vladimir Norov addressed the UN General Assembly yesterday. His speech touched upon the regional water usage issue, Afghanistan, and interfaith tolerance. His address was mainly similar to the speech made in August by Uzbek President Islam Karimov during the Bishkek Summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.

Water's of Amu Darya and Syr Darya are crucial for whole Central Asia and their mangement has to be wise. National and international companies should strongly abide to the UN Conventions and take into consideration neighbors while building hydro-power stations. Afghanistan should be demilitarized and drugs trafficking has to be combated.

However, it was the third point in the speech of the Minister that drew attention. The minister reminded of the contribution Uzbekistan made to the Islamic culture, and policies of tolerance in interfaith relations it is implementing. Minister continued saying: "We resolutely stand against that the counter-terrorism transforms into Islamophobia and acquires the form of open or hidden standoff with the Islamic world".
This statement might seem confusing for those who have read Craig Murray's book and follow the Forum18 reports.

Though, Uzbekistan made its name in counter-terrorism, so they should know it better what forms the policy might take.

You can read the whole speech (2 pages) here.

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